Sun 12 Jan
EXTREMELY BUSY AGENCY - Hiring Companions and Escorts - Earn 7,000k to 10,000k/Week
(Eugene, Portland, Salem)
Sat 11 Jan
INDEPENDENT: Exotic and Passionate Fun for U! - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, anywhere you want me!)
MUST READ!!! If you are looking for an Escort Job AND WANT TO MAKE $6,000 per Week..MUST READ!!!
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
Fri 10 Jan
Willing to relocate to manhattan? short or long term ? $ 2000 - $ 5000 per week guaranteed
Thu 09 Jan
VERY BUSY AGENCY - Hiring Companions and Escorts - Earn 8,000k to 10,000k/Week
(Eugene, Portland, Salem)
Wed 08 Jan
Must Read!! Make $7,000 a week or $14,000 in two weeks!! Your choice and Guaranteed!!!
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
Female Owned and Operated - Make between $1,200 and $1,400 per day Escorting - All Expenses paid!!!
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan