Mon 27 Jan
True ESCORT . New to the HOBBY. PORTLAND vancover AREA
(Bend, Portland, Salem, Portland vancover area)
~~~* YOUR EXOTIC TREAT - visiting BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! 2 days only! - 24
Sun 12 Jan
—— ❤— iRRESiSTABLE BBW• BUSTY • HoTTie • LONG HAIR BRUNETTE • 1 DAY only !— $65 specials —— - 24
Get ready for sex in 10 min!
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
💕💖💞💋HUMPTY DUMPTY had a Great FALL 😥...Now HE NEEDS To ...💋💖💕💓(TNA reviewed and verfied) - 41
(Salem, Salem Metro Area)
AdJust ARRIVED *♚* UPSCALE B¡G BoOt¥ *♚* §K¡LL€D L¡P§ & T¡GHT GR¡P§ *♚* K¡LL€R BOD¥ *♚* NO R€GR€T§ * - 21
(Salem, Salem,OR [[Incall ONLY]])
Sat 11 Jan
Make Tonight A Night You Will Never Forget Ill Do Things She Wont @ 2Days Only!!!!!! - 26
(Salem, salem and surrounding areas)
- *_+_* LET *_+_* ME*_+_* CATER *_+_* TO *_+_* YOUR *_+_* EVERY *_+_* NEED !!*_+_* - 27
(Salem, Incall and Outcall)
-:- (( Sexy )) -:- (( Chocolate BOMBSHELL )) -:- SWEET & READY ....SPECIAL - 23
(Salem, Incall outcall special)
Sexy Lexi *** 36 DD's *** Last day in the capitol!! 125 Special - 21
(N Salem and surrounding areas)
INDEPENDENT: Exotic and Passionate Fun for U! - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, anywhere you want me!)
NEW $125 noonSpecials! ✓【 EXOTIC 】✓【 TODAY ONLY 】✓【NiCe bѺѺb's】 ✓【cUτє FαCє】 ✓✓【spaNKaBℓε αSS】 - 21
(Salem, Springfield)
$100 Special.. Private incall, Satisfaction guaranteed! Come See Me 24/7.. I'm Waiting On Your Call. - 25
(Salem, Salem, Keizer)
Wanna have a Good Time with a Sexy Girl?
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
Sweet SeDucTion - - - > > HOT CaraMel Hottie < < - - - Body ON Body - 23
(Salem, Salem/PDX/Corvallis)
** _____1OO_____ =BLACK N ASIAN= _____1OO______ =SPECIALS * SPECiALS= ____1OO______ ** - 20
$99█ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂★LEAVING TOWN SOON ★▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇★TAKE ADVANTAGE OFSPECIALS ★▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂EBONY - 25
(Salem, market)
(Portland, Portland INCALL ONLY!!)
1◯◯% CuTIE ⇉⇉⇉ bIG τis ↗↘↗ hoT LiPS ↗↘↗ With Something ExXtra ↹↹↹↹↹▶ $80 SPCL - 23
(Salem, Salem area ,,,READ THE AD BEFORE CALLING)
Fri 10 Jan
*** Sweet Voluptuous Blonde PlayMate ((Leaving Tonight)) Make sure You Catch Me..... Party Girl - 29
(Salem, Salem In/Call)
-*- {__ *SeXy* __} -*- {__ *SwEeT* __} -*- {__ *LiTtLe* __} -*- {__ TrEaT__} - 20
(Salem, salem incall only)
★•°`°•I Know I Can Show u A Good Evening •°`°•★~Sexy ,Exotic ,Sweet•°`°• Ready 4 U~°•♠ - 22
(Salem, incall/outcall special)
Pick this Exotic Hottie for a Very Different Experience! - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In your arms ;))
-:- Want Sum Breakfast -:- Sexy, Exotic, Special -:- N The Best Breakfast U Ever Had!! -:- - 22
(Salem, incalls/outcalls Special)
♡Toothachingly Sweet....Want Chocolate¿ Treat UrSelf w ₩est Indies Barbie ♡ Real Dollface - 23
(Salem, Salem ic/oc)
my loving touch will relax you
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
Thu 09 Jan
💋 👑SIMPLY THE BEST **-*B R E A T H T A K I N G _ ௵ _ F A N T A S Y 👑💋100$ SPECAILS - 20
(Portland, In call only)
♥♥Seductive Coco Diva♥♥Visiting Lets spice things up♥♥Call Now Gents♥♥SPECIALS - 24
(Salem, Outcall-Woodburn/Salem/Albany/Corvallis)
{sPeCiALs} {aLL} {dAY} {DoUbLe} {ThE} {pLeAsUrE} {DoUbLE } {ThE} {FuN} {sPeCiAL} - 25
Married Woman to Show You the Time of Your Life! - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, 10 minutes away)
♥°o° EVERY°o° MAN'S °o° FANTASY °♥* EXOTIC GReen Eyed BruneTTe! Only here 2 Days! - 25
(Salem, south salem)
♥♥♥ S.e.X.y NaTuRe ♥♥♥ N.a.U.g.H.t.Y ChOiCe ♥♥♥99$ Special Only Here For a Couple Days - 23
(Salem, salem incall and surroundings)
█▓█ ▓Here Now!!! ▓█Οη℮ Οf A ΚιηD● ▓█♥H℮R℮ ΤΟ βℓΟω γΟυr ΜιηD♥ ▓. █ ★Up LATE!!!!!★ █▓ - 21
(Salem, salem/IC)
503_329_3253👀🇸🇦🇱🇪🇲 👀 GUESS👀 WHO👀 Independent 🔱 👀Dominatrix 👀NoRush 👀Girlfriend - 30
(Portland, Salem, 👀951👀 457👀9443👀🇸🇦🇱🇪🇲 👀👀👀)
Up and coming PENTHOUSE PET!!!! The MAGAZINE solicited me and I am meeting with reps. next week!!! - 46
(Portland, Salem, Silverton)
Lets Play Together! I Am Ready For Fun!
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
-:- Im All Urs -:- Sexy, Exotic n Ready To Fulfill Ur Every Wish -:- - 22
(Salem, -:-incall/ outcall Special-:-)
**NEW** Blonde blue eyed beauty in pdx for a few days! *A/C Location!!! 100/hh - 25
(Portland, :¦: Your Place or Mine :¦:)
Classy Lady for a Wild Ride!
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, anywhere you want me!)
Are you looking for something with no strings attached!!? - 23
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, Donetska)
✖AsK BoUt mY 60$ 💎 TNA ReViEwS💎 👐FORIEGN👌 👑ALIYAH👑RedHead AfGhAN nD iRiSh 💎CALL NOW - 24
(Salem, SALEM/IN/OUTS/woodb/hubbard,staten,lanc,)
♥♥120HH OC SPECIAL♥♥Sexy COCO Diva♥♥Call Now♥♥Sweet College Student♥♥ - 24
(Salem, Outcall- Woodburn/Salem/Albany/Corvallis)
Wed 08 Jan