Mon 27 Jan
New☎💙💕 ☎💙💕 SEDUCTIVE blonde ViXxEN 💙💕💜☎ %1OO REaL & SENSUAL 💙☎💜 💦 - 22
(Salem, Salem/Keizer all areas)
Mon 13 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
I Wanna Be Your Dirty Little Secret! - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In town)
Last night in town ★100 $pEcIals ★Dont Miss Out★100%★REAL ★-MiXeD- ★ • ExOtIc •★DaNCeR★ - 23
(Salem, market incall/ outcall)
A sensual, sexy & totally discrete experience
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
AdJust ARRIVED *♚* UPSCALE B¡G BoOt¥ *♚* §K¡LL€D L¡P§ & T¡GHT GR¡P§ *♚* K¡LL€R BOD¥ *♚* NO R€GR€T§ * - 21
(Salem, Salem,OR [[Incall ONLY]])
Sat 11 Jan
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ * •SeXy*ThiCk☆ •*• ☆ ExOtiC MiXeD ChIck ❤ Specials - I'M HERE NOW!! - 21
(Salem, Salem Surrounding Areas)
▆ █ █▒ Early bird specials 🎀 █▒ 💗💗 █▒ 🎀 SeXy 🌴 Exotic🌴 ClaSSy█▒ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ 100% REAL - 22
(Salem, Market)
** _____1OO_____ =BLACK N ASIAN= _____1OO______ =SPECIALS * SPECiALS= ____1OO______ ** - 20
$99█ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂★LEAVING TOWN SOON ★▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇★TAKE ADVANTAGE OFSPECIALS ★▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂EBONY - 25
(Salem, market)
Fri 10 Jan
NeW iN tOwN{♥} GORGEOUS * All American *| BrUnEtTe BeAuTy AVAIL. NOW - 21
(salem, albany, corvalis incall/outcall)
♡Toothachingly Sweet....Want Chocolate¿ Treat UrSelf w ₩est Indies Barbie ♡ Real Dollface - 23
(Salem, Salem ic/oc)
Just Passing Thru & Would Love To See You! SPECIALS - 22
(Salem, Salem Mission (in & Out) 209-587-9075)
Thu 09 Jan
💋 👑SIMPLY THE BEST **-*B R E A T H T A K I N G _ ௵ _ F A N T A S Y 👑💋100$ SPECAILS - 20
(Portland, In call only)
♥♥Tonight Only♥♥FREAKY CHOCOLATE Diva♥♥Sweet and Sexxy Specials♥♥ - 24
(Salem, Incall/Outcall and Surrounding)
mmmm yummy!! all the things you want & more!!
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, anywhere you want me!)
-:¦:-So ADoRABLE-:¦:- AMAZiNG SKiLLS-:¦:- VeRY ADDiCTiVE -:¦:- - - 21
(Salem, ne salem outcall only)
New £WeLcOmE Me Too ALL YoUr InTImAte desires + FeTiShEs} Im WaitInG 4u. €all NOW*150hr OUTCALL ONLY - 20
(Salem, in/out salem/ Surrounding area)
(New In Town) ♥• Pretty___ Petite___ Blonde ♥• Available Now! - 24
(Salem, SalemIncalls/Outcalls all over)
im bored and looking for fun. can you think of anything exciting?
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, anywhere you want me!)
••★ ITALIAN GREEN EYED CUTIE ★•• SALEM'S FINEST... Last Night in Town... 100% REAL ★••• - 25
Let Me Bring Out Your WILD SIDE! - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In your arms ;))
SPRING SPECIAL 70/hhr 90/45min 110/hr 140/90min LOWEST SPECIAL EVER ends FRI @6p Incall ONLY SALEM! - 37
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, Salem Incalls No Outcalls)
✓【CєRτíFíєD FRєαK】 ✓KiLLєR CuRvEs ✓【huGє bѺѺb's】 ✓【cUτє FαCє】✓spaNKaBlE αZZ* - 25
(My BED sweet vanilla cream $99 special, Salem)
***☆ [100% R€AL] 5☆ §€®vIc€ YÕu'LL N€v€R FÕ®G€T☆ EX%oTiC PLAYMA*TE!!! - 22
Wed 08 Jan
) ) °o©° ((Your)) ( ( TO DO ) ) °★© ° ( ( LiST ) ) 100$ INCALL SPECIAL!!! - 23
(Salem, NE SALEM, MY BED :))
Outcall only T✪TAL ❌👊KN✪CK✪ut👊❌✨💥 BiG BoOtY🚨❌🚨 DOLL Face BeAutY 💋💎💋 READY to PLAY 💋 - 25
(outcall only, Portland)
☆ SEXY & SWEET☆ (¯`'•.¸ ♥ UpScaLe **1OO% LATINA ♥ ¸.•'´¯)☆ REAL PiCS☆ - 19
°•★•°SUP€R FR€AK¥°•★•°HUG€ B00T¥*°•★•°0P€N M!ND€D°•★•° GREAT SPECIALS *!°•★•°( AMAZ!NG SK!LLS ) - 25
(Salem, Salem Incall/Outcall)
★▐▓█▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█▓▌ Perfect Latina ░ ▄▄▄▄▄ ░ Guaranteed Satisfaction ▐▓█▀ No* Fake▀█▓▌Available Now ★) - 25
ready to give u passion, ecstacy, and pleasure - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, anywhere you want me!)
W A R N I N G__E X T R E M E L Y__erotic & easily__E X C I T E D__proceed with__C A U T I O N - 26
(($100 LAST MiNUTE SPECiAL.. )) AVAiLABLE for a SHORT TiME only!! (($100 iNCALL SPECiAL)) - 20
(Salem, my place exit 256 or your place <3)
Tue 07 Jan
New and Willing😏 Slim Sexy Bubbly Princess - 21
(East Oregon, Oregon Coast, Portland, Salem, Your place Or Mine)
.¸ ★¸. LeT mE ★ BE YouR ★ SeXY LiL SeCrET .¸ ★¸. incall specials! - 19
(Portland, incall and outcall)
♥♥Sexy COCO Diva♥♥Labor Day Fun♥♥Call Now Gents♥♥Outcall Special All Day - 24
(Salem, Outcall-Woodburn/Salem/Albany/Corvallis)
IM HERE IT L(•)(•)KS G(•)(•)D BUT__ FEELS EVEN BETTER Warm &Tasty; 100 Put UR WOOD IN MY fire Place - 20
(Salem, Woodburn incall/ salemSurrounding area)