Sun 12 Jan
I Wanna Be Your Dirty Little Secret! - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In town)
💕💖💞💋HUMPTY DUMPTY had a Great FALL 😥...Now HE NEEDS To ...💋💖💕💓(TNA reviewed and verfied) - 41
(Salem, Salem Metro Area)
Sat 11 Jan
Wanna have a Good Time with a Sexy Girl?
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
*** NeWesT PLAY%MATE YOUR N%W AddictioN SASSY!!!!***>>>> BloNDE BUNNY!!!! - 23
Fri 10 Jan
*** ###1 GentleMens Choice 100% Real Exotic Playmate BUNNY!!!! ***** - 22
(Salem, salem/surrounding)
Thu 09 Jan
The Girl Next Door has Naughty Secret - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, In town, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
hello gentlemen lets get the party started!
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
Wed 08 Jan
°•★•°SUP€R FR€AK¥°•★•°HUG€ B00T¥*°•★•°0P€N M!ND€D°•★•° GREAT SPECIALS *!°•★•°( AMAZ!NG SK!LLS ) - 25
(Salem, Salem Incall/Outcall)
Sweet you will not regret seeing me
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In your arms ;))
Best Service in Town - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, 10 minutes away)
Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
💋 ❤ 💋 ❤ LeAvInG IN A FeW HoUrS💋 ❤ 💋 ❤ DoNt MISS OuT BIG SpEcIaL $80💋 ❤ 💋 ❤ - 24
YOur FaVoriTe FANTASY & Best Kept SEcRet 40ddd's (Available Now with hott specials) - 29
(Salem, albany woodbarn wilsonville)
Sun 05 Jan
TOP SHELF BLONDE Portlands Finest..back by request dont miss out 80, 100, 140 Tastefully Sweet - 28
(Medford, In/Out Airport /Medford-Surrounding area)
Sat 04 Jan
$99$★AMAZING MIXED HOTTIE ♥Most requested♥TOP rated FREAK♥Curvy &Sweet100;%Ready★ - 23
(Salem, market incall/ outcall)
VISITING openMinded N@ u*g(T)y lil PLAYMATE ** im ready.. are you? - 23
Fri 03 Jan
(( *ExTrEmElY * )) *HOTT* (( *KiLLeR BoDy!* )) (( *REAL PICS* )) (( *UPSCALE & DiSCREET* )) - 21
(Salem, Salem- IN/OUT CALL)
Your ultimate dream girl is available right now!
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, hotel room)
Thu 02 Jan