Mon 27 Jan
Mon 13 Jan
♥♥I will come 2u Special FH160♥♥Sexy COCO Diva♥♥Call Now Gents♥♥Lunch Special - 24
(Salem, Outcall-Woodburn/Salem/Albany/Corvallis)
Sun 12 Jan
💋❤New Brazilian & Hawaiian hottie visiting your area for a short time👅💋👅💙 - 21
(Salem, Salem incall outcall mobile)
▃▆▓̡Ӝ̨̄▓▆▃ ——lImIteD timE ONLY— THICK —SEXY — CURVY ——LATINA— ▓ ̡Ӝ̨̄▓ —AvaiLable NOW! ———▃▆▓̡Ӝ̨̄▓▆- - 21
(Portland, portland INCALL)
*¨¨*:. ★ .:*¨¨*BeAuTiFuL GeRMaN & ITALiaN BBW with DDD's *¨¨*:. ★ .:*¨¨* - 29
(Salem, my juice box)
~~**100**~ SP3ci@l~~ BOOK NOW~~The Perfect 1 to FiLl YoUr N33ds~~ - 20
Sat 11 Jan
•-:¦:-• C A N ' T •-:¦:-• G E T •-:¦:-• A N Y •-:¦:-• B E T T E R •-:¦:-• - 24
(Salem, SALEM UPSCALE INCALL 80 special)
MUST READ!!! If you are looking for an Escort Job AND WANT TO MAKE $6,000 per Week..MUST READ!!!
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
Fri 10 Jan
NeW iN tOwN{♥} GORGEOUS * All American *| BrUnEtTe BeAuTy AVAIL. NOW - 21
(salem, albany, corvalis incall/outcall)
Real Reviewed Captivating Seductress Visiting - 29
(Salem, Salem and all surrounding areas visiting)
(*•*•*NEW YEARS SPECIALS*•*•*) Veronica's back in town & ready to play with you! ((UP ALL NIGHT!)) - 22
Let Me MAKE YOUR BEAT Independent ☆ Beauty
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, hotel room)
♥———————— █▒█♥ ALL ♥ AMERICAN ♥ GORGEOUS ♥ BARBIE ♥ █▒█ ———————-♥ - - 25
(Eugene, -----Upscale-incall-visiting-----)
Thu 09 Jan
•-:¦:-•So ADoRABLE•-:¦:-• AMAZiNG SKiLLS•-:¦:-• VeRY ADDiCTiVE •-:¦:-• - - 23
(Salem, ne salem incall only)
NeW To SaLeM! HeRe FoR 2niTe OnLy! Diamond!! $125 InCaLL SpEciAL! - 18
(Salem, Incall Salem; Outcall Available)
AVAILABLE NOW! ♥♥Freaky Chocolate Diva Ur Gulity PLEASURE♥♥ I/C Specials - 24
(Portland, Gresham Incall/ Outcall Surrounding)
99$ Special♥ ♥♥ S.e.X.y NaTuRe ♥♥♥ N.a.U.g.H.t.Y ChOiCe ♥♥♥ - 23
(Salem, salem incall and surroundings)
Wed 08 Jan
LET ME BE UR AFTERWORK TREAT!!! *there is nuthin like a GEORGIA PEACH!!! SPECIALS 100% real pics!!! - 21
(Salem, Salem / Surrounding Cites)
-:+:- {{MmMm}} -:+:- °M°A °G° I °C° A °L°L°Y ° -:+:- ° D°E °L°I °C° I° O°U ° S° -:+:- - 21
Must Read!! Make $7,000 a week or $14,000 in two weeks!! Your choice and Guaranteed!!!
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
Portland's Favorite Girl Next Door ARRIVING SOON!!! If you want me, you gotta let me know... - 26
(Salem, Salem Incall Only)
—— ❤ —— iRRESiSTABLE • BUSTY • HoTTie • YoUr ULTiMaTe • DReAmGiRL —— $65 specials —— - 24
Tue 07 Jan
× tRUELy AMAZiNg × [ EXtREMLy tALENtEd ] × AlL NAtURAl BEAUty × [ WElL REViEWEd ] × SPECiALS × - 19
⚫️🔲◼️⚪️💋Nice TiTs💋◼️🔲SEXY YOUNG Seductress💋◼️⚪️Nice Ass💋⚫️🔲◼️TNA REVIWED💋⚪️ - 25
MATURE , attractive, busty blonde extremely talented .. Available 24/7 - 40
(Salem, Salem Incall or out)
Brand New Models Magazine Video Work Penthouse Hustler ONLY FEMALE OWNED FREE HOUSING 8500 SQ FT - 49
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Miami/LA/Vegas/Arizona, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
Mon 06 Jan
hello gentlemen lets get the party started!
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In your arms ;))
Local women looking for a one night stand in May and June - 23
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
* * ★ YOUR *BRUNETTE* ADDiCTiON ★ ***(( 36DD ))*** ★ KiLLER CURVES ★ *** - 23
(Salem, North Salem InCall OutCall Also)
💋🌟💋🌟Seexxyyy young wild Redhead💋🌟💋🌟 - 20
(East Oregon, Oregon Coast, Outcall anywhere 💋Incall in Portland, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
Sun 05 Jan
★ ☆New HOT N SEXY MIXED bombshell WAITING FOR U ☆ ☆ BeSt RaTeS WAiTiNG NoW!!! - 27
(Salem, Incall /Outcall)
💚💛💜❤💗💘HOT OUTCALL ASIAN ❤★❤ HOT SWEET ASIAN ❤★❤ 718-207-2436❤★❤ - 21 - 21
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Manhattan, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
Sat 04 Jan
🌼Daisy Moore is BACK!🌼🔥SPECIALS🔥💙SeXy 🍭BlOnDe💋SliM&CuRvY; 😙W/BoOtY!💜Reviewed!💎Hot Tub Fun🔥 - 21
(Salem, Salem Outcall/eugene incall)
YuM❤ YuM 💢CⓞMⓔ ☆GeT 👅 §ⓞmⓔ🍭✦💞BeAutIFuL💞✦✦ AMAZiNG SKiLLS🌹•-:¦: •T✪TAL ❌👊LATINA👊👊 KN✪CK✪UT - 22
(Salem, Salem Incall)
sweet anita leaving at noon dont miss busty brunette beauty with a round booty 80$ special - 22
(Salem, my place)
Fri 03 Jan
¨*•.EXOTIC AsiAn .•*¨¨*•. BoMBShELL .•*¨¨*• IS READY & HeRe •*¨¨*•. 1000% ME GUARENTEE!!! CALL Now - 21
(Salem, Salem area Incall/Outcall ALL DAY&NITE;)
❤❤❤ Curvy Bombshell in wilsonville ❤❤❤ real pics ❤ amazing reviews - 30
(My place near wilsonville, Salem)
Thu 02 Jan